Tag Archives: greens

CSA Week Five: Soupy, Chowderish, Stewlike White Beans with Greens and Potatoes

7 Jun

I realize that so far most of my CSA related recipes have been vegetarian, and that’s mostly been by chance, but this week, it’s on purpose.  We decided to go veg. one week out of every month during the summer and as far as our CSA and garden produce can take us.  Why the indefinite timeline?  Simply put, I hate grocery store produce.  Ever since we got into Farmer’s Markets, CSAs and growing our own, everything else pales in comparison.  If it hasn’t come straight out of the field, I don’t want it.  So it’s much easier to get really excited about eating vegetarian now the produce is starting to get good.

As I said last week, this time of year is really devoted to a variety of greens.  That being said, we were left with plenty from last week and I knew we would be getting more this evening.  A good and healthy option for greens is to pop them into a soup.  White beans compliment greens well and happen to be my favorite bean.

You might be wondering, why in the world I would think it’s a good idea to make soup in the heatwave we’ve been having in the Midwest.  The answer is simple.  I love soup.  I have several cookbooks devoted only to soups.  For a while it was one of the only things I could make, and although I may have graduated upwards with my culinary skills, it remains a staple of mine.  Bean and lentil soups are super easy to make and they are rediculously healthy and filling.  Beans are also a major source of protein in a vegetarian diet, so that being said, I was willing to sweat it out to very happy results.

How to do it:

(and please remember that when I cook, I cook for a crowd even though there are usually only two of us, so this will make a full stock-pot of soup.)

Soak 2 cups dry white beans in hot water for 24 hours or at least overnight.  Periodically rinse the beans and add more hot water to cover.  Beans make their own yummy broth, so don’t dump all the water when you are ready to start cooking.  When ready, transfer the beans and their water to a big stock pot.  I think mine is at least a gallon and a half.  Make sure there is water covering the beans.  (You can also use broth here for a little extra flavor.  I use a roasted vegetable broth concentrate to keep the soup veg.  At this point in the process I used one spoonful.)  Bring the beans to a boil and turn to medium heat.  Simmer with the lid on until beans are tender.  Mine took about an hour.  Stir occasionally and add water as needed to keep the beans covered.

Chop 3 large potatoes into large chunks.  Chop 3 baby leeks.  Don’t waste the tops!  You can keep chopping up the leek until it gets to a dark green.  Side note here- Leeks are really good if you are trying to lose weight.  They are filling, have a nice flavor and are a mild diuretic.  TMI?  Maybe, but I thought you ought to know 🙂  Chop a handful of green garlic.  Add everything to the beans, add about 2 cups of water and another spoonful of broth concentrate, or broth.  Cook for another half hour until the potatoes are tender.

Remove half of the soup so far and blend it in a food processor or blender.  I only did this to half of mine because I like my soups with some texture, but if you want something creamier, go ahead and blend the whole thing.

Return the blended soup back to the pot and add your chopped greens.  I used 15 collard green leaves and one large head of Chinese cabbage cut into strips.  At this point, don’t add any water because the greens will let out water of their own.  My pot was about half full after I stirred in the greens.  After about ten minutes of occasional stirring, I added 4 more cups of water.  After cooking for about another half hour, I added a handful of frozen dill I remembered having from last year.

Serve topped with a little bit of cheddar, a sprinkle of salt (No other salt added) freshly baked herb bread and a fresh seasonal salad.

Now you relax and let your house return to a tolerable temperature.  Or you could just step outside and realize how much cooler it actually is inside.  Happy eating everyone!

Southern Comfort in Central Iowa

31 May

I have never lived anywhere near South of the Mason-Dixon Line, and although he did learn “Dixie” when he was in Montessori School, Eric is so Scandinavian and thusly a Yankee, it often surprises people to learn how much we enjoy eating “Southern” foods, namely greens.  Collards, mustard greens, kale, you name it, we eat it; steamed, boiled, fried, sometimes raw.  So this is the perfect time of year for us to enjoy Southern food right here in the heart of Iowa.

Broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage and mustard greens sprinkled with olive oil, salt and black pepper are this week’s featured CSA treat.

To go along with his love of greens, Eric brought to our relationship a penchant for catfish and introduced me to grits for the first time at a Waffle House in Indiana.  Despite her own love for Cajun food, it still perplexes and gives my mother a laugh when we talk about eating grits and greens.  We of course, had two catfish fillets ready to go for this evening.  Since our hot humid Midwest summer has risen early, we grill out every chance we get to keep the house from filling with heat from the stove or oven.  Eric prepared the catfish for grilling with a dry rub of magic spices (I never get to know what exactly he does and I’m okay with that!) and some butter and wrapped the fish in foil.

Behind the greens and fish is a pitcher of iced green tea.  We’ve been drinking the stuff by the gallon, I don’t know what I would do without it this summer!  And after a little bit on the grill, we are ready to enjoy our meal with a small side of mashed potatoes with green garlic and provolone cheese.

Salad Days

10 May

It’s the first official Tuesday pickup for our lovely CSA!  This week showed us the merciless unpredictability of a Midwestern summer with temperatures dipping low at the end of last week and then spiking upwards, leaving some to abandon their heat for AC.  Today topped out at 94 degrees.  Much of the day I spent outside, basking in the heat and sun, and watering my plants.  When we headed to our first CSA pickup of the season, I definitely didn’t want to fire up the oven or stove for anything.  Today’s share included asparagus, purple bok choy, hardneck and softneck garlic, rhubarb, little baby radishes, onions, two types of lettuce (red and green) spinach, and mizuna.  Sadly, there were no eggs this week.  Apparently a skunk has taken up residency on the farm and has been frequenting the hen house.  So, since I didn’t want to do anything to heat up the house in the least, we marinated and grilled a chicken breast, and threw together a refreshing spring salad:

I used:



Red and green leaf lettuce

Green Garlic


For a little extra zest, I added strawberries and drizzled the whole mess with extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Pictured in the back of the CSA greens are a few rhubarb flowers I cut from our plants this morning.  I think they are kind of neat looking.  Enjoy the salad days of your growing season and stay cool everyone!